Monday 14 May 2012

Empat Bulan - Six Months!

Empat Bulan - Six Months

Well, 6 months have passed since I arrived in Indonesia and so many experiences, so many emotions, so much help and support to make good decisions. Again, a big thanks to you - you know who you are!

Just thought I’d do a review of my day - there is no average day - my saying with Berti is “every day is a mystery in Indonesia”. I sent a text message to one of my regular, careful ojek drivers last evening to book him for 8:30 this morning. Neither of them speak English so need to be careful of my wording or he will come in the evening! Or the wrong day. Got up this morning, did my short yoga on the mat that stays on the floor at the end of my bed so as to remind me, turned on my phone in case the ojek cancels (which he did - he wasn’t feeling well) sent a message to second ojek and turned on my computer. Had a “bath” dumping room temp water over me in the bathroom, always feels good as I’m usually pretty warm.

Got dressed, got my cereal -coconut museli from Bali that I hoard and use sparingly, make my tea and skyped with friend Susan.

Then off to the office - worked on a proposal for a small grant from VSO to hold a two day workshop in Oelomin village on disability inclusion, and to hear from the other organizations I hope to link to the village forming a good network of support and services from government and a member run NGO that I talked about last Blog.

Needed the bank to to do a fund transfer to reimburse my housemate for the rent on our new home so one of the staff drove me on her bike then took me home after and I worked on finishing the proposal.

Went for a walk in my new neighbourhood, found the large market - pasar - is walking distance, just not in the heat of midday. Went looking for a kiosk that had ability to scan my tax information that needs to get to the accoutant at home - 3rd try found one that had a working computer. Most of this type of service including internet booths, are small owner operated shops and frequent along most side roads. Was able to get my message across of what I needed and had him email me the docs. Now I am home I see they didn’t arrive so will go back tomorrow to see what the problem is. Should have looked over his shoulder.

I saw goats grazing on the side of the road - a frequent sight as owner just stake them here and there, whever the grass is long then move them home in the evening. Lots of garbage and a big sin reading “Kupang Green and Clean”. Plastic is everywhere and used so much and garbage is just slung off the side of roads. There are big bins along each street but not everyone uses them and when they do get used, the overflow with help from the dogs  take it everywhere.
People smile and we exchange greetings, young boys call out “Hello Mister” and I stop and let them know they have it wrong and tell them my name - Mrs Pam or Ibu Pam.
Finished with a call from Berti letting me know the provincial office person who we met a few weeks ago and the NGO PERSANI (disabled persons organization) wants to have a meeting Saturday at 4 pm. I asked for some agenda or reason for the meeting and she “thinks” it’s probably to talk about planning us all to go to the village to see the people who we think they could  help. It is so interesting and what gives me trouble is that I go to meetings usually with little idea of the purpose until I get into the meeting and then sometimes not if it’s all in Indonesian. So, we will go and then we will know! (update now that it is a week gone by and this not loaded! Meeting was about picking my brain on fundraising ideas for PERSANI) There ya go, mystery solved. Had to do some on the spot thinking but I believe I had a few ideas.

I do hope the baby who lives just below our balcony in the row housing gets soothed soon, for his sake and mine! He’s been crying for a long time! Not too much quiet most of the time.

So that’s today - with my friends Anglea and Morten coming for dinner - squash and sweet potatoe soup - vegetables and fresh garlic, ginger and turmeric bought yesterday at the market. They leave for a 3 week holiday so this will be beer and soup bon voyage.

Since it has been a week of trying to get enough internet signal to load this here's an update. My house warming gift from Angela and Morten was a  shower attachment to my tap in my bathroom! Just have to go outside and turn on the jet pump and I have a working shower!!! Sorry, no photos this time - won't load.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 months! And what a wonderful housewarming gift from Angela and Morten. After months without a shower, I'm sure you're thrilled. The garbage and empty plastic bottles got to me in Tanzania as well. I kept thinking there must be some business owner who could start a recycling plant and make money doing it. Send me your recipe for the squash and sweet potatoe soup - I'm trying to find new summer meals.
