Wednesday 30 May 2012

Persiapan Pengungsiang - Evacution Preparation

We are into the dry season now, with strong winds many days or often just at night - varies. I am noticing a distinct change in temperature - humidity way down and evening temps are very nice for sitting out as long as I have mosquitoe spray on although they aren't bad but they are still around. In January asnd February I couldn't imagine not having a fan on me even to sit and do computer work but haven't had the fan on for the last two weeks! It's still hot but so much easier as long as I'm out of the sun.
There was a bit of excitement around our house as we have a big undeveloped space across the road and due to dry and wind, a small fire, probably someone burning rubbish, was soon a big fire and coming directly toward the house. The whole neighbourhood was in our front and kids hanging off our fence to get a good look, which was pretty scary to see as with the wind whipping the flames we were in direct route and it was to the edge of our road. A neighbour came over and started talking to me - me using the language best I could, so a good way to meet the women of the neighbourhood!

from the front door
As I was texting Anna at work that I might be evacuating, a "fire truck" came along with what looked like real firemen, hose and all but not as much water as they needed as the truck was small. When they ran out, off they went but soon back with 2 trucks! Soon all under control but I had been outside with my door open so now I had loads of ash and black soot inside to deal with. Our balcony out back was covered too, so lots of cleanup.
The good part was, it caused Anna and I to do our emergency evacuation bags up as we should have anyway, mostly for earthquake evac, but maybe for our location, it might be fire as now across from us it is really dry tinder and long grass - perfect conditions for another fire. My backpack has the essentials I think according to the list VSO gave us so am ready to run!!

Fire escapee?
I have just hosted one of my fellow volunteers from Flores Island for two days as she was here on a technical sharing visit on clean water with some local folks I put her in touch with. She was also a great wealth of knowledge about volunteering and sharing skills in Indonesia as she has been here for 2 years and is now on her way home to Canada on Sunday. She is from Toronto so lucky me, I have another courier, only this time going the other way. Sending a couple of small birthday presents home for son Lee and granddaughter Claudia. Don will mail from To as mailing from here is crazy expensive and really slow! Feels quite cool knowing that she will meet Don and be a "connector".

Alana and Chris- clean water consult
Just walked to the market to get tomatoes and eggplant and pciked up some coconut shells to start on some crafting of souvenirs. Yes friends who know me! Crafts!!!! We'll see what I can turn out and the shells are free!

Salamat sore teman-teman
Good evening friends

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