Thursday 17 January 2013

Sampai Jumpa Lagi - See You Again

Once again - a literal translation for the title. I had a tough time this go round thinking of the title I wanted as I ran a few around in my head for the last few days but today this one seems right as I said another "so long" to volunteers I have known since I arrived over a year ago. (always a few tears) Perter from Uganda and James my Kenyan budddy who has kept me company, cooked for me and generally been a friend and like a son. He spent his last 4 days on Timor Island at my place waiting for Peter to join him from Flores Island on the way to their last exit meeting on Bali. I had a going away party for them on their last evening, inviting friends who have come to know James through me and have appreciated his lively disposition and his genuine caring attitude. I can see why he makes a good physiotherapist with children with disability. (James in red and Peter in white shirt)

going away party
I realized as friends began to arrive for the dinner party - cooked by James with me and Berty as his right hand women, Berty perfecting the making of chapati and me cutting veggies, him making chicken stew African style, that we had 6 VSO volunteers in our midst. Two of my friends (Crystal and Angela) were volunteers several years ago, one in Papua New Guinea and the other on Flores in Larantuka, then James and Peter who are leaving and Nelly and me who are into our placement time. Cool!

former, leaving and current volunteers
Back to the dinner. As we were planning this week, Berty let me know she and her boyfriend Chris would bring the chicken for the stew as Chris had a chicken for his birthday but they were too busy to use it and now would be a great occasion to do so. I'm picturing chicken parts in the freezer but before I could finish that vision, she went on to say that yes, her two foster boys had taken responsibility for caring for the chicken in a pen in the yard and it was in good health and Chris would kill it in the morning with the boys plucking it before bringing it over! Of course - it's Indonesia and not everyone has a fridge! Well, Berty knows of the time I bought a dead chicken at the meat store and got it home with feet and head attached so she had a good laugh when I told her to hang onto the feet and head for her own use and just bring the rest! Never had chicken quite that fresh in my kitchen and it was a beautiful stew enjoyed by all 11 of us. Now, chickens in Indonesia are like the people, tiny, so we did supplement with beef stew as well, with all of it serving us more than adequately. Good time had by all, and of course no party is a success without broken glass, so James tipped his glass of spirits over on the balcony, thus obliging us.

As mentioned in my last post it is workplan time and a small hitch arose when I learned my work visa renewal only took me to end of April not end of October which seems to be a new thing for VSO to deal with. In discussion with VSO I let it be know that I intend to complete my placement end of July this year rather than end of October and believe I will have fulfilled planned goals and objectives by that point. I have just learned that my work plan has been approved and I will be extended from end of April to end of July by VSO. Was certainly hoping for that as end of April seems just not enough time! I will keep you up to date on progress on the work I've set out in my next Blog.

I am trying to keep track of the everyday things I see and hear as I ride about, things that strike me as unusual, funny or just plain curious. Here is one for this time around. Our owner is having ceramic tiles put on the front facia of the house and a workman has been here most days working on it. I am posting a photo of his scaffolding, bamboo originals. It looks like it's falling down, but this is how he has it placed, wedged against whatever he can find to stablize it. When the wind and rain starts I go for the first aid kit as I'm sure I'll be picking him up off of the ground, but so far, no need. He is up there in bare feet and must have great gripping toes!!!

safety cables?

 Well, call to prayers is sounding out fron the mosque below, reminding me to stop and give thanks for all of the opportunities I have in this world and to be grateful for the ones around me every day. Hope you can do the same. Sampai Jumpa Nanti - til later.

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